Title: The Institutional Canopy of Conservation: Governance and Environmentality in East Africa.
Duration: August 2014 - July 2021 (7 years).
Implementing organizations: McGill University, Canada, and the African Conservation Centre, Kenya
The I-CAN project will support four (4) scholarships for Doctoral and Masters studies. Two (2) four-year.Doctoral scholarships will start in September 2015 and/or 2016, and two (2) two-year Masters
scholarships in September 2016 and 2018. Depending on the applications received, there may be some flexibility in the start dates.Students will be based at McGill University, Canada or at one of the other I-CAN partner universities –i.e., Carleton University and University of Victoria, Canada, University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, and the Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology in Germany. The field work will be carried out in at least one of the eight (8) project study sites in Kenya and/or Tanzania.
Interested candidates should send their Curriculum Vitae and a Letter expressing their interest in pursuinggraduate studies with the I-CAN project to Professor John Galaty, the I-CAN Project Co-Director, at McGill University, at john.galaty@mcgill.ca. In some cases, candidates may have already established contact with a professor involved in the I-CAN project. If not, Professor Galaty can facilitate the identification of a potential supervisor and institution. Interested candidates should make first contact by November 15, 2015, or earlier, to facilitate formal graduate applications as early as December 15, 2015.
Duration: August 2014 - July 2021 (7 years).
Implementing organizations: McGill University, Canada, and the African Conservation Centre, Kenya
The I-CAN project will support four (4) scholarships for Doctoral and Masters studies. Two (2) four-year.Doctoral scholarships will start in September 2015 and/or 2016, and two (2) two-year Masters
scholarships in September 2016 and 2018. Depending on the applications received, there may be some flexibility in the start dates.Students will be based at McGill University, Canada or at one of the other I-CAN partner universities –i.e., Carleton University and University of Victoria, Canada, University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, and the Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology in Germany. The field work will be carried out in at least one of the eight (8) project study sites in Kenya and/or Tanzania.
Interested candidates should send their Curriculum Vitae and a Letter expressing their interest in pursuinggraduate studies with the I-CAN project to Professor John Galaty, the I-CAN Project Co-Director, at McGill University, at john.galaty@mcgill.ca. In some cases, candidates may have already established contact with a professor involved in the I-CAN project. If not, Professor Galaty can facilitate the identification of a potential supervisor and institution. Interested candidates should make first contact by November 15, 2015, or earlier, to facilitate formal graduate applications as early as December 15, 2015.
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